What power in the words to this song, I feel
as if they are saying exactly how I feel.....
All the things I've gone through, all the long
lonely dark roads, all the tears, all the painful
years of hurt and heartache, all the things I let
go of, all from trying to love you...
All the times I said " enough " I am done
being hurt by you, I am done with you taking
my soul and walking on it like a piece of trash
you step on in the street.
All the times I waited for you, all the times I
wanted to scream from the pain, all the miles I
have traveled, all the changing I did for you,
all the sacrifices made, all from trying to love
All the excuse's I made over the years as to
why you were the way you were, all the times
I would question if you really loved me, all the
times I convinced myself-yes you do love me
and then I would wait again....
How my life has changed since the first day I
loved you, how I as a person has changed,
my heart and soul have changed..... How I
always said I would forever wait for you, all
from trying to love you.....
And now...... Look at the road I am on, look at
what I've done.... I've walked away, given up....
The one thing I said I would never do to you,
to us.... I lost myself in you, I lost the me in all of it....
I never understood why it was so hard to love
someone, it came so freely for me, it was the
easiest thing for me to do, just allow my heart
to follow what it felt the most.... I didn't have
to " try to love you " it was always here...
Why couldn't I be as strong as you were and
just easily walk away ?
All the times you said " It was self
preservation " that made you do it but that you were never really gone because you'd
come back....
I always felt so hurt when you'd come
back saying all the things you do, then the
last time I said " Just friends" , that didn't
work, it was us all over again....
And now it's you saying " Just friends " for a
while, let things settle then we will make our
way back. This time however I can't....
We both know it won't be long before you will
asking for the same things you always do,
sharing things with me, sharing life with me...
But we both know I can't take all this
anymore, it will be only a matter of time again
before you will leave.....
I have to let go, I can't do this anymore I have
to be strong.
I am with the same feelings and emotions
running through me everyday, trying to learn
not to love you.......
Trying to learn to live each day without you,
trying to learn everyday I tried to love you and
lost....... Now I am trying to love me........